Saturday, August 11, 2018

A Young Male Ruby throated Hummingbird for Saturday Critters

Earlier this week I was watching several hummingbirds feeding at our feeders.  I knew a few of the birds must be newly hatched this year as thier numbers had increased.  I decided ro take some pictures and I noticed a few of the humminbirds had small flecks of red
 at their throats.  I wondered if these birds might be young males?
I decided to see what information I could find online about the full red throat of a male Ruby throated Hummingbirdhummingbird.  I found an informative site at:
I discovered that an young male hummingbird does not get a full throat or gorget of red until their first winter.  However near their first summer's end  a young male may start to show  one to several red feathers at its throat.  Ah ha!!  So that is what I had seen with the small flecks of red at their throats They were young male hummingbirds..  I love making small discoveries like this and I decided to share this information today on Eleen's Saturday Critters which can be found at viewingnaturewitheileen.blogspot,ca
A Happy weekend and happy natureviewing to everyone folks!


  1. Hello, pretty shots of the Hummer. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  2. How neat to see this young one. I'm always curious when I see something a little out of the ordinary too. Great pics!

  3. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Perfect timing as I saw one at the feeder this morning and was sad as I thought they were blood spots from a hummer inflicted injury. Thanks for the timely information!

  4. Sweet shots of this newcomer!

  5. Hi Ann, It's such a treat to see these little feathered wonders. I've never had more than one at a time at a feeder. The male hummingbirds are spectacular. Lin (Sandpiper) :)
