Saturday, March 02, 2019

Family Cats for Saturday Critters

.My daughter has two Maine Coon cats and they are both big gorgeous animals with wonderful, gentle manners.  If anyone is familiar with Maine, you will find the cat's name interesting if you know
some Maine place names.  Lubec is the orange cat and Wiscasset is the other one.

The black cat is our cat. Actually he belonged to our son's family but when they had a new baby  the cat was given to us as it loved jumping in the baby's crib too often.   Our cat's name is "Shakey".
When Shakey arrived in his new home as a kitten, he was quite nervous and was shaking all over, so he became known as" Shakey cat". Shakey is now about 16 years old and is rather standoffish and is not a lapcat, but we love him as he is now ours.

I am linking today to Viewing Nature with Eileen which can be found at
Have a great weekend everyone, it is now March so despite a big storm moving in for the weekend, we can anticipate spring coming along later this month!


  1. Hello, they are all beautiful cats. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  2. You have some gorgeous cats! WOW! My hubby is the cat lover. I'll show him your pics! Hope the weather isn't too bad!

  3. Lovely cats, and the names are adorable.
    I agree, with spring so close snow doesn't matter as much.
