Saturday, April 20, 2019

Mourning Cloak Butterfly for Saturday Critters

I don't know if my words can totally convey the wonderful nature experience that I had this afternoon with a Mourning Cloak butterfly.
After having seen Mourning Cloak butterflies early a few years ago, we learned that this species will fold itself within the bark of some trees and over winter there and emerge when the warmth of the spring season develops. We caught on quickly and noted the locations where we most often saw these butterflies during the early spring months. My favourite location to find them is at the  Homestead Corner at Three Tree Creek. I like to think that perhaps my great great grandparents,  who homesteaded a farm nearby there also experienced the same awe of seeing these beautiful early spring creatures. I saw a butterfly today along the road into their old wood lot. I drove into the road until I saw what I had been looking for:, a Mourning Cloak butterfly! I then backed up my car while maintaining sight of the butterfly. As I could not get a good picture of it taken from my car. I rolled down my car window while maintaining sight of the ever moving butterfly. and then I stopped my car and got out. I momentarily lost sight of the butterfly, but looking down I saw it swirling around my feet and legs. Then suddenly it flew into my car as the car door and window were open. Wow, what a golden photo opportunity! The butterfly stayed on the steering wheel
and I proceeded to take pictures, about 200 or so. The excitement of the opportunity gradually wore off a bit and so I decided to join the butterfly and sit in my car also. My presence behind the steering wheel did not appear to disturb the butterfly at all. We both sat there quietly for ten minutes or so
.After a bit, I decided I should perhaps return home and so I closed the car door. The butterfly noting the change happening flew out the car window. Bye, bye butterfly buddy. It was a great experience.

I am linking today with Eileen's

Have a lovely rainy weekend folks.


  1. Hello, your Mourning Cloak butterfly is lovely. It was nice to pose on your car, great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your day and weekend! Happy Easter!

  2. Those Mourning Cloaks come early sometimes. I saw one once when there was snow on the ground.Interesting fact about the way they fold themselves in bark. Never knew that!
