Sunday, May 26, 2019

Baltimore Oriole

We were  delighted to receive a visit from a Baltimore Oriole several times in Bird Alley this past week.  At first the peanut feeder seemed to be its favouirite go to location.  However, it was very attracted to the hummingbird feeder and attempted to feed there.  I recalled having heard that grape jelly was a  favoured food for orioles so I had some and decided to place a few tablespoons of jelly on a saucer.  The jelly was well received and appreciated by the oriole. The next day the jelly was all gone, with a little help from a Chipmunk as we watched as one nibbled at the jelly.  For two days we put out grape jelly and both days the jelly was all gone.  We had a hummingbird feeder hanging on our clothesline and the Oriole was quite successful there getting some nectar as the feeder jiggled  when the Oriole nudged it and the nectar within was easily jiggled out within easy reach of  the oriole.  That feeder is now empty also..I think that orange guy had quite the sweet tooth!

 I haven't seen the Oriole since Friday so I am assuming its visit is now over. However it was a lovely visit for us sitting inside viewing its beauty through our windows.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    The Orioles are beautiful. Great visitor and photos. Happy Sunday, wishing you a happy day and a great new week!
