Saturday, March 14, 2020

Male and Female Goldeneye for Saturday Critters

Bitd sightings are very rare around here at this time of year. Yesterday I saw a Bluejay and this morning a small flock of starlings but neither sighting created any good photo opportunities. However this morning I also saw a pair of Common Goldeneye again. I have been hoping to get a good photo of a female Common Goldeneye but all I could get was a photo that showed its brown head
and a hint of its goldeneye,
The male that I saw this morning was a much cleared photo.
It is seldom that I can achieve a good photo of an goldeneye pair , however here is one I was able to acquire in 2006
Hopefully in the upcoming days I will be able to get a god picture of a pair of these ducks. 
I am linking today to Eileen's Saturday Critters found at


  1. Hello,

    Great duck sighting. I think the last photo of the pair is my favorite!
    Stay calm, safe, happy and healthy! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. yes that last shots is good A lovely pair of ducks. I hope you have a great week ahead and stay safe from this virus. Thanks for your comments..
