Saturday, April 25, 2020

Eastern Phoebe for Saturday Critters

I had pulled my car over to the shoulder of the highway and I was watching a pair of black ducks in the pond below. The morning light on the water was very beautiful! I had rolled down my car window to get a better view.

From my open car window I became aware of bird twittering and whisperings and then I heard a bird shout its name! "Phoebe". I was immediately alert  and pulled my car a little closer to the woods at the side of the pond. I could see movement within the area. then I spotted it! An beautiful Eastern Phoebe was sitting on a tree branch. How sweet it was!
I then left the area but returned there once more before I went home.Pulling up beside the pond again I saw a beautiful Great Blue Heron there in the water!
The heron decided to change location and flew off into the beautiful reflections of white birches on the water there in the background.
And that was the end of my observations at the pond yesterday morning.
I am linking this morning to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at
Have a safe day everyone and a lovely weekend.


  1. Beautiful photos. The one with the flying heron is a neat abstract.

  2. Hello,

    I have missed a lot of the winter ducks, since we've been on lockdown.
    Great captures of the Black Ducks, Heron and the sweet Phoebe.

    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, stay safe! Enjoy your day, happy weekend. PS, thanks for leaving me a comment.

  3. You sure had a productive visit to the pond. Love your 'in-flight' shots of the heron! Happy Saturday!

  4. How neat to get the Heron in flight! I love these all....the black ducks are striking too! Take care and have a good weekend!

  5. Once in a while we get a great blue heron at the cabin. He likes to stand patiently on one of our protective float logs waiting for a baby trout to come out into view. - Margy

  6. Hello. Great serie of photos. Eastern Phoebe looks so lovely.
    Take care!
