Saturday, May 23, 2020

A Spotted Sandpiper for Saturday Critters

I search for water birds at this time of year,
earlier this week I had found a Greater Yellowlegs and I was delighted with my discovery.  The next day I returned to the sae location hoping to see it again.  However I did see a small grey bird but it flew away when it became aware of my presence . so I watched as it landed quite a distance away and I took pictures of where it had landed hoping that I could identify what it might be.
 Spotted Sandpiper
I took this picture from quite a distance and only when editing the picture did I see the spotted breast! This was a surprising discovery for me.

I then edited a second picture and I was able to see its spotted breast again as the bird was taking off in flight.

I edited my second edit a bit closer and the spots were even more evident!
Wonderful, I was even more pleased with my Spotted Sandpiper discovery.
I am linking today with Eileen's Saturday critters which can be found at


  1. Hello,

    Great sighting of the Spotted Sandpiper. They are lovely birds to find!
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Enjoy your day, have a happy weekend!

  2. Hello. Congratulations on that sighting. Have a nice weekend.

  3. How exciting to see this Sandpiper! It's fun to get home with our photos and 'zoom' in for a better look!

  4. Thank you all for your comments. They are muchly appreciated.
