Sunday, May 31, 2020

Grey Catbird Today

A Grey Catbird today!!

I had never believed that a bird could mew like a cat until I had heard one.; then I had finally seen one. I always consider it a delight when one drops by Bird Alley, which this little bird did this morning!. . I wonder if our cat hears the Catbird outside? Does it confuse my cat? I find catbirds intriguing! These birds like to nest in wild rose bushes. We have an old wild rose bush in Bird Alley and that is where I had spied this bird this morning.. One year a Catbird nested in our Rose bush, and it played 'King of the Castle' all summer long that season  by mewing all over our garden area while perched on our fence. It was delightful! Maybe it will happen again this summer?! I certainly hope so!

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