Friday, May 01, 2020

My Morning Birding Finds

   My Birding this morning revealed nothing new but I did re-find the lone Snowgoose with the small
flock of Canadas that it has been feeding and travelling with
. I found a couple of pairs of favourite duck species. A pair of Wood Ducks
and a pair of Common Goldeneye.

The winner of the most colourful ducks today goes to a male Mallard with its beautiful gorgeous green head, its outstanding colour this morning as it scratched its ear? with a bright orange foot while at the same time it's scratching movement causing it's attractive blue body patch to be shown.
A most wonderful primary and secondary colour show! The white dot on the head of the male Common Goldeneye never fails to impress me with its beauty and its appearance really fed my interest this morning to find more birds but the location of the Common Goldeneyes was my last water area to visit this morning. So perhaps tomorrow might turn out to be an extra special day. During this time of self isolating, the beauty of Nature holds a most wonderful nvational enticement to get out and enjoy our environment. I am hoping to soon find Painted Turtles sunning themselves Soon,but first, a few beautiful warm sunny days are required. And then there are the wildflowers to find . Mayflowers
and Coltsfoot
and Dandelions are now up, next week I shall find my spring favourites, dog-toothed violets, and then soon after Purple Violets,, and the little Northern White Violets which grow on our side lawn. Jack-in the Pulpit grows in the Pines and many more beautiful wildflower species can be fund around the community. Blue Flag ,a look alike Iris, grows abundantly around ditches and edges of fields..
And after wildflowers comes the beautiful study of Butterflies and Dragonflies and Damselflys. The abundance and beauty of nature holds enough interests to fill my entire spring season.
As long as my camera and car are willing companions,then my days will be full.


  1. You capture a neat mallard photo, scratching his head.
    Wood ducks are fascinating.
    I don't think I've seen coltsfoot since I moved away from Ohio. There was a bunch that grew at the bottom of a hill at the end of our road.

  2. Nature is beautiful, love the wood ducks. Take care! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great weekend!
