Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Trout Lilyin bloom

This is my favouritewildflower. As a child I knew it as a Dog-toothed Violet, thus named as its root contained a white canine shaped tooth like portion. I dug one up one year to check out this fact. This wildflower now a days seems to be most often identified as a Trout Lily, because of its leaves resembling the spots  found on a trout’s body. It is also know to some as a fawn lily.


  1. Hello,

    It is a pretty bloom! Take care and have a great day!

  2. Beautiful photo
    Dog tooth violet is the name I know, and like most. Only recently have I read the flower is also called a fawn lily.

  3. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I am new to NB and in a new house/yard so am not sure if the few specimens of this type which I just found in my front garden are wild flowers or cultivated. Does anyone know ?
