Sunday, June 28, 2020

an Eastern Phoebe

I go out birding every day. this morning while crossing a bridge over a small brook I saw a small bird fly across the road and land in a bush beside the brook. I am starting to try to follow flyaways with my camera and I was very pleased to have captured this beautiful Easton Phoebe  on a branch shotly as it landed.
 I love the woodsy looking element to this picture!


  1. That is ONE beautifully composed photo! And, such a pretty bird.

    Thank you for taking time to join us at IRBB this week. Hope to see you link up again soon.

  2. Phoebes are such sweet birds!
    Hope you are having a great weekend!

  3. I am seeing a Phoebe for the first time. Thanks!

  4. Hello,

    Pretty capture of the Phoebe! Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!
