Saturday, November 07, 2020

Evening Grosbeaks foe Saturday Critters

 This morning and prviously one day this week we were invaded by a small horde of Evening Grosbeaks.  The big lure was amall black oiled sunflower seeds! shown below are ten Grosbeaks on the ground. There were often many at a feeder at the same time!

The males are the ones with the bright yellow colouring!
The female do not exhibit the bright yellow on their body but rather they exhibit a soft, light gray in their coloring as shown directly below!.
I am posting today to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at
Have a safe and healthy weekend everyone!
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  1. Wow,
    very cool to see all those Evening Grosbeaks at your feeders.
    They are beautiful. Some are being seen here in Maryland, just not in my yard. Great photos! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, stay safe! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. They really are beautiful colored...perfect for Fall photos! I would love to see one and will have to look at the book and see if they travel to FL!

  3. Nice photos! What a lovely sight they are. I notice around here, the crabapple trees they are like locust, all over the branches, flying together in a big flock.

  4. Hello. They're beautiful-looking birds. Especially the male is gorgeous.
    Take care.

  5. The photo at the feeder is brilliant! :)
