Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Adult Bald Eagle

Note: This item is from the archives and was originally posted two years ago today, on February 11, 2007.

We saw this adult Bald Eagle feeding on the snow-covered, frozen Kenne- becasis on Friday. It was very watchful and wary as it fed, and perhaps it had reason to be, for as we watched, two Crows landed nearby the Eagle. Then they kept getting closer and closer. One of the Crows would fly up close to the Eagle's left and annoy it as it fed. Then the Eagle flew a short distance away and landed once more to continue feeding. This pattern of annoyance and pursuit probably continued on more than the one time we viewed it, however after taking a few photos from our car, on the shoulder of the highway, we drove on.
To view a previous posting of interaction between an Eagle and a Crow go to: The Eagle and the Crow


  1. Amazing pics! Thanks for posting them.

  2. that looks like a very angry eagle.

  3. In that last photo it appears that the Eagle has taken his dinner with him? Great post Ann.

  4. He is NOT sharing! Great photos!!

  5. Great captures Ann, what a sight that must have been.

  6. Wow...poor eagle is probably eating one of their mates and they are a bit annoyed about it. I'm always amazed at how brave the smaller birds are to bother one of the big ones! Wonderful photos!

  7. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Great photos! I bet that was a fun outing.

  8. Anonymous1:20 AM

    That eagle is so beautiful. I guess, we don't have bald eagles here in India. However, I have indeed seen similar looking eagles in the southern part of our country a year back, which have brown body and white head with yellow beak. My wife saw such an eagle last Sunday.

  9. What a fun series to exciting to watch! Neat experience!

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