Monday, April 07, 2008


a red-eyed plover
running about in ploughed fields
cried "kill-deer, kill-deer"

Our first Killdeer sighting of this spring was on Friday, April 4th. There were three running about a ploughed field when I first heard of them, and there were only two when I found them and took their pictures. The next day we saw several more. The Killdeer is the only plover with two black stripes on its breast.


  1. How pretty! I love killdeer! They are so perky when they dart about. I saw some babies once...little fluff balls on stilts :-) Very nice pictures!

  2. He's so cute! I love these little birds. Nice close shots of him. I like how pretty his eye is in the first picture.

  3. mary and sandpiper:
    I think we're all agreed that this is a pretty neat little bird. Thanks for your comments.

  4. I'd love to see a killdeer. They're pretty rare here. Great close ups.

  5. I love Killdeers and their call.

    Great post and photos.

    Thanks for sharing.

