Saturday, April 05, 2008

Three Pairs of Eagles

Yesterday while driving along highway #105 in the Sheffield area we saw three pairs of Eagles.The thing about taking pictures of Eagles is that you can't get very close to them; especially when they are on their nests and the nest is high in a distant tree. If you look very carefully at the top photo you can see the speck of white which is an Eagle on a nest; and to the upper left is the other perched on a branch.
The next pair of Eagles we had seen turned out to be quite a surprise for when we saw it in a field we thought it was one Eagle all by itself. However as I was taking its picture I suddenly realized that there were two Eagles there!? Giving me little time for speculation they flew off across the field, one after another.The last photo below is of the first pair we had seen. High in the branches of trees along the Saint John river in the Sheffield area; we saw them from across the river while driving along highway #105. Notice there is also a Crow in the photo perched in the same tree.


  1. Anonymous3:54 PM

    What a fantastic sighting! The Bald Eagles are beautiful. It's nice to see them perched together. I've noticed that if the crows are making a lot of noise, there could be an eagle somewhere nearby. Wonderful in flight shot!

  2. Wonderful! All beautiful pictures! I would love to see them like this. I thought I might get to see one today, but by the time I reached the area where one had been spotted, it had flown away.

  3. Wow...I can't imagine seeing that many eagles in one day. I can't even imagine seeing one. What wonderful they often sit on the ground in a field like that? That last shot is really good and the flight shots are good,too....and the field shots...and.....well, just all of them!

  4. Great captures of one of my favorite birds.
    Well done.
    Hope you had a great day!
