Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sky Watch Friday: Drama in the Sky:

Drama often follows when conflicting interests arise and such was the case when I watched this Crow harassing a Bald Eagle.
As I watched this aerial conflict begin at a distance; I stopped my vehicle and got out and leaned against it, holding my camera skyward; hoping that the Crow and Eagle would come a bit closer my way, and they did!
The Crow was obviously in pursuit and I could easily see that it was the aggressor. All that the Eagle wanted was to be left alone! This is a second year Bald Eagle and it was not happy about the situation it was in. As I watched the two birds race out of sight the Crow was still following close behind.

My many thanks to Tom Wigley for hosting Sky Watch Friday . For other Sky Watch entries please visit Tom's page.


  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    The crows are pestered to no end by smaller birds and are almost mobbed out of the sky. So I suspect they take their frustration out on this bald eagle because they can. Nice photos by the way.

  2. fantastic, excellent catch.

  3. Simply wonderful these photos, very beautiful. Congratulations

  4. Interesting. I guess birds don't realize their relative size to other birds: crows are so much smaller than eagles.

  5. Sheesh, that's not very nice of the crow... but gosh, that Eagle is huge... I'm sure if he wanted to he could um... sit on him! LOL... =)
    Great photos... I enjoyed the post.
    Rocky Mountain Retreat

  6. Anonymous6:15 PM

    This is vey interesting.

  7. Super shots.

    Pop and see my Water features

  8. Anonymous6:25 PM

    These are great captures. Interesting!

  9. Oh! the Drama of Nature. It's a lot better than Television.

    Great shots.
    Thanks for sharing these with us.
    Nice job.

    Our sky is heating up.
    Come visit,
    Troy and Martha

  10. Great shots, really gives you a real idea of how big the eagles are against a crow. Great.

  11. Real drama! These pictures are fantastic - as your always are.

  12. These are wonderfully dramatic and out of time and place, they are so intense and free of the sky!

  13. Saying these are very nice captures does not even describe what I feel about them. They are fabulous.

  14. We saw bald eagles over the Memorial Day Weekend. They were fishing--successfully, but they were too fast for me. You did well catching that conflict.

  15. Wow the photos are very dramatic. Well shot.

  16. I could never watch the sky when there were birds of prey in flight - what a graceful dance.

  17. wow, amazing! what a lucky photographer you are!

  18. Amazing captures!
    Great shots!

  19. The capture of these birds is brillant.

  20. I am so pleased you have shown such a struggle in the sky.. I have watched Crows attack buzzards and hawks here in the UK... but the best bit of flying I saw was a Heron being mobbed by Crows. That Heron put on such a display of flying skill it as alway stayed in my mind.

    Great Sky Watch..

  21. Wow...that's great! I'm always amazed when smaller birds chase bigger ones away. I saw a similar chase recently, but didn't get wonderful pictures like you did! That poor eagle really looks harrassed and unhappy :-)

  22. Amazing to watch the meal go after the meal eater. I'm always mesmerized by these "battles". A lot of times it's the crow being harrassed by smaller song birds.
    Isn't it nice being in the right place at the right time?

  23. Great shots! It makes you wonder what the eagle did to the crow. TGIF!!!

  24. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Great photos of the eagle and crow!

  25. Phew, brave crow but great photos.

  26. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Great shots! It's amazing. Regardless of their size birds attack whatever comes too close to their nests. Perfect Skywatch!

  27. Absolutely wonderful sequence!! I have similar shows here at the Swamp, but mine are between the crows and Red-tailed hawks!

  28. Absolutly wonderful skywatch post. or any other day for that matter.. thanks for sharing'

  29. Well I came to comment on your freedom post but scrolled down first to the beautiful bird post below and then down to here.

    What a wonderful flight and fight you have captured here. Well done.

  30. An excellent series! Wonderful pictures. This morning I watched red-winged blackbirds turn the table on a crow who was hunting for baby birds. They chased him about relentlessly. It's always so funny to see small birds harass birds that are so much bigger than they are.

  31. Beautiful camera work! Glad to learn about your blog(s). Will be checking in. Thanks for stopping by over my way.

  32. These are terrific photos of the birds in the sky, great job
