Thursday, May 29, 2008

Within the Pond

The reflections on this small pond often hide what lies below its surface, mirroring what is outward rather than within. But if you take a moment to look you can find myriads of life within. And while taking that second look you might find that perhaps some pond dweller might be taking a look at you too!. This Green Frog chose to ignore my approach, showing a less wary personality than the others. Most often I hear a bleeep, and then a splash, and I know a frog had been there; this one stayed put by the edge of the pond. Other proof that frogs had been there is this tadpole swimming in the yellowish-brown water underneath the pond surface.
However, do not let the tranquil appearance of the pond deceive you; for also within its depths lies danger in the presence of this huge Snapping Turtle sometimes seen there. Plant growth is also beginning to emerge from the bottom of the pond and seen here is a Yellow Pond Lily, still under the water's surface but stretching upward towards the sky, it will soon open its yellow blossom beyond its watery source.


  1. This is a very neat presentation of pond life! I never see the frogs.....just hear the splash :-) How nice that he wanted to pose for you!

  2. Anonymous2:16 PM

    What an interesting place! I love the reflections in the water and the colours. :)

  3. We occasionally have had snappers in our "pond" which is an overflow of French Creek, and they would come up into my garden to lay their eggs. I haven't seen them in the past 2 years as the water level seems to be getting lower, and the weeds are taking over. There are still plenty of frogs and toads.

  4. Pond life is always fascinating. Lately our small backyard pond has come alive with water skippers and I am hearing a loud frog every night. I love to hear him calling.

  5. mary:
    That's usually my experience, just hearing the splash.

    This is just a small pond, but a place with lots of things to see. As the summer progresses dragonflies and damselflies appear; as well waterbugs and other insect activity abounds. Also more wildflower water plants will emerge as well. This is a wonderful place to absorb nature.

    Every year, around the end of June, I see Snapping Turtles laying eggs along the railroad bed. I then note the location of the nest and sometimes in early October, if I am especially lucky, I will see the baby turtles hatch.

    nwnature nut:
    How lucky you are to have a pond in your backyard.

  6. I enjoyed the walk with you today to the pond. Wonderful photos and narrative.

    I don't think I have told you lately how much I enjoy your blog. I don't always comment on every visit, but I do try to get by regularly.

    I certainly like the photo of the Chestnut-sided Warbler in the Masthead. I feel like I have been on a bird walk today.

    Thanks for sharing all your great photos and experiences.

    Come visit anytime,
    Troy and Martha

  7. Great captures- I really liked the depth of color in these photos. I love ponds and all of the wildlife brimming in and around them.

  8. What a great pond--alive with so many interesting creatures. That snapping turtle does look scary! Glad I found your blog.

  9. texas travelers:
    Warblers are my focus right now; if I can find them among the leaves for they are great masaters of hiding among them. Thank you for your comments, they are much appreciated. I also enjoy visits to your blog as it is always so full of interest and information and your photography is really wonderful.

    I especially like the richness of the colour too. The water shots portray a density of browns and yellows that give a wonderful warmth that is not often achieved with greens and blues.

    eco enthusiast:
    I'm glad to have found your blog also. Its full of interesting items and photos and I look forward to many more visits.
