Monday, May 26, 2008

Eastern Bluebird

Today, we had in our yard, a bird not often seen: a Beautiful Eastern Bluebird. We have a vacant Bluebird birdhouse, ready for occupancy, and it would be nice if a pair moved in. Once, several years ago, we had seen our first Bluebird pair ever, checking out our garden and yard area one spring afternoon. By the next morning we had built a birdhouse, painted it blue and had it on a post at the edge of our property overlooking a large open lawn area. The pair we had sighted didn't stay that time, but the next year we had a couple move in for a while; but they hadn't stayed long enough for a successful hatching, although there had been obvious nest building activity going on for a while. It has been a couple of years now since we had seen one and so when I returned home from my walk this morning I was very pleasantly surprised to see a male Eastern Bluebird on the overhead power lines. It then moved over to one of our old Maple trees and stayed there just long enough for me to take its picture. Maybe it will be back?


  1. Island:
    Today was my lucky day for seeing a Bluebird; perhaps I won't see another until next year.

  2. wonderful pictures of these "beautiful bluebirds" thanks for sharing..
    Lovely music as well

  3. I hope they move in and stay! That would be really lovely for you. Nice the ones in the maple tree!

  4. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Beautiful colourful photos of the Eastern Bluebird and maple tree - bird and tree go very nicely together. How lucky to have them in your yard.

  5. Oh, I hope they stay around! I've never been able to draw bluebirds into my yard at this house.

  6. Anonymous8:52 PM

    I had the bluebird at my feeder on Saturday, the 17th. perhaps it was the same one? It was a first I'v seen for probably 3 years here at my place. So, so beautiful!!!

  7. bev:
    It hasn't been back but I'm hoping to see it again. Perhaps you can send over some of your Rose-breasted Grosbeak for we haven't seen any of those yet!
