Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Bald Eagle Flight

I quickly took my first picture from the side window of my car, as I usually do when seeing something special at a distance. In this case the sighting was of a second or third year Bald Eagle on the opposite side of the river. To achieve a better view I would have to get closer and there was always the chance that the bird would see me and decide to leave before I could get another shot. There was an observation deck above the river and that is where I was headed. I tried to hide my approach by lining up with a few bushes in front of the deck, hoping the Eagle wouldn't see me, but of course it did. I don't know who was moving the most, the Eagle or me, but the result was that the pictures had a slight blur to them.Still, I kind of liked the colour and motion effect achieved, as it seemed to give the sense of immediate flight and haste. So I threw in a few more colour curves and thought the results quite dramatic! Nature tho, threw in a curve of drama of its own as I saw a Crow start to give chase. The Eagle flew up the river with the Crow in pursuit; then suddenly I saw them returning, and going in the opposite direction!
I'm assuming that all was well and ended well; for this is often a scene enacted over and over and after awhile the Crow will give up the chase and the Eagle would be left alone.


  1. What an exciting thing to see! I can almost feel the movement in these pictures. The race is on! :) Great sequence!

  2. Such drama! And you are so fast to catch it all for us! How wonderful to see eagles...and young ones at that. I wonder what the crow would do if the eagle turned on it? Great shots!

  3. Wonderful shots! I especially love the third shot down with the upstretched wings and great sense of pattern and movement! The one s of the crow in pursuit are great, too. Your site is so informative, it's always a delight to visit. Thanks!

  4. You're right. The blurring o the background makes for a sense of speed and drama. Beautiful series!

  5. sandpiper:
    I'm glad you can sense the movement too for I almost discarded them, but then thought why not post; for I liked them.

    I put a lot of faith in my camera and just point and shoot; hoping for the best; or even at times will accept the second best as well :-)

    The third one down is my favourite too. I love how the feathers just seem to bend with the motion.

    I always enjoy being able to post a grouping that visually gives an explanation or story of what might be going on.

    Thank you all for your kind comments.

  6. Hi Ann, I agree with the above comments. The blurred background really conveys movement. Well done.

  7. Anonymous10:31 PM

    I love the eagle's beautiful wings and the way you captured the drama of the moment. Great nature pictures!

  8. island:
    The header is new; glad you like it, it is of a Muskrat gthering reeds for food? or nest making? I had seen it in the same place where the eagle was.

    mo and april:
    Sometimes maybe a blur is almost better than clear, concise details, at least I can assume so in some situtaions if it workds :-)
