Tuesday, June 03, 2008


reverse black and white
singing upon a wire fence
o'er its meadow home
A dweller of meadows and fields, the male Bobolink wears a fascinating, colour scheme. Usually the lighter part of a bird is underneath, or on the breast, but this is not so with the male Bobolink. Its breast is black, as is its face, and the lighter parts of this bird are on its back. The cap at the back of its head is beige or white, and a portion of its feathers on its back are white.I had seen this handsome around for several days now and yesterday stopped and took his picture.


  1. Lucky you to have such a lovely bird around! He does seem to have a very unusual color scheme, but a very beautiful one! I've never seen one of these and it is a very lovely bird! Great photos of it. The 2 close-ups at the end really show it off. Does it have a pretty song?

  2. What great pictures! I am impressed.

  3. mary:
    You asked, "does it have a pretty sound?"... I dunno; guess I'll have to stop by the meadow and listen again :-)

    Glad you enjoyed for I love sharing the treasures I find each day.

  4. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Lovely Bobolink post. The last picture would look beautiful framed and decorating a wall. Enjoy your day. :)

  5. april:
    I find Bobolink fascinating to watch and have had opportunities only a few time to take pictures of them. Glad that you enjoyed.

    The walking trail photo you posted today looks so inviting.

  6. Oh, he posed so beautifully for you! I saw my first bobolink ever just 3 years ago. Since then I've seen both males and females in a meadow about 1/2 hour away. I can't seem to get a good picture of them though. Your pictures are wonderful!

  7. Glad you did. I have never seen one. I didn't know they were in Canada! What a beauty!

  8. Anonymous9:23 PM

    beautiful ku... since reading nature blogs abt birds i am more aware than ever of the birds and their chatter... thank you...

  9. sandpiper:
    I kept seeing this one as I drove by a particular meadow and it would often fly away as I approached; but this day was different and surprisingly it stayed and stayed. I left before it did!

    I don't see them often but love them when I do. Your Greaterville Raod post is a wonderful read.

    one more believer:
    Birds are a wonderful accent to the beautiful landscapes that surround us: with sound. I love your great eagle photo!

    island rambles:
    If you didn't get to see the real thing, so glad that you got to enjoy viewing mine.

  10. Wonderful shots ! I see so many, but can never get close enough for a good picture.I'll keep trying.

  11. becky:
    In this particular day I was lucky for it just stayed perched in the bushes when my car approached and stopped. Glad that you enjoyed.

  12. wonderful descriptions and photos.. I don't think I have seen one up close ever... but I think I have heard them... wonderful how the various colorations create camouflage for them...
