Monday, October 13, 2008

Chipmunk Capers

Wishing all a Happy Canadian Thanksgiving !

Having left a bag of finch food outside on my deck a week or so ago, I woke to find this Chipmunk having an early Thanksgiving feast. This little one, and perhaps a few of its siblings or cousins, often frequent our feeder area helping themselves to food left for the birds. They provide much entertain -ment with their quick movements and acrobatics in and around our feeder area.


  1. So cute! I love it! He's ten times cuter then my squirrels! Want to trade??? I want one....or two!

  2. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I love chipmunks! If they are traditional for Canadian Thanksgiving, I'll have to add it to my holidays. :)

  3. Chipmunks are so cute!

    Glad to see you have started doing SSS.

  4. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Those photos have one of the highest "Awwww" quotients ever!! Wonderful. Happy TG to you, too.

  5. He's a cutie! Happy Canadian Thanksgiving.

  6. They are so cute aren't they. Your post reminds me of my father several years ago before he passed away, he and my mother were visiting their good friends in Colorado (all 4 have passed away now), and my mother was watching him stretched out outside enjoying the beautiful scenery and the chipmonks, and then she looked again, and he was doing a frantic dance (not a happy dance). One had crawled up the leg of his trousers. No harm done, just a good laugh for years to come.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving! I love your little chipmunk pictures. I never mind when they visit my feeders.

  8. Cute and we don't have any here that I have seen..but plenty of squirrels.

  9. I love these little guys. We have several pair in our neighborhood. Besides, Chip and Dale are my favorite cartoon characters of all time.

  10. candace:
    Thanks for sharing the 'frantic dance' that you described; that would have been a close encounter a little too close :-) I love all these little outdoors creature at a distance but for sure wouldn't like them that close!

  11. How cute!! Why does this remind me of the cartoon Chip and Dale? They were chipmunks, right?

  12. I do love Chippies. They are always up to something.
