Sunday, October 12, 2008

Shadow of a Water Strider:for Shadow Shot Sunday

This is a very fascinating shadow of a Water Strider. The Water Strider itself is very small but if you look carefully you can see a hint of yellow floating on the water near the mid upper right quadrant of the photo.There were several striders on the water and their shimmering shadows were an absolute delight of shadow art to behold!
My appreciative thanks to the host of Shadow Shot Sunday for this interesting idea; for more information please click on the icon in the side bar.


  1. This is such a cool shot. It's so clear! and to think such a tiny little bug is making such a big shadow.

  2. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Neat Photo! I love watching the striders - they are amazing.

    P.S. I'm up to 8 species in the GBC - not many, but that's because most of our songbirds have gone south. Hopefully I'll see a few more before the end of the month.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  3. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Terrific shot! Amazing how something so small can leave such a big shadow - there's must be a lesson in there somewhere...

  4. A unique and interesting shadow picture! Love it. Glad you're playing

  5. Really great shot, but I have to say again I HATE BUGS!

  6. Another are very cool shots. The water looks so very clear too. Who would think to take a photo like that. Very clever of you Ann...

  7. That is a very cool shot! I had fun trying to photograph the water striders themselves earlier this summer, but would never have thought of trying to focus on the shadow instead! Neat! It makes a very funny pattern!

  8. I've seen those Striders before ( didn't know what they were called), and your picture is amazing.

  9. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Neat picture. You never fail to impress.

  10. dolittle's daughter:
    These were so neat skimming about in a stream along the 785 one summer day. Although they were in the water the shadows reminded me of primitive cave art.

    I hope you're having a nice Thanksgiving.

  11. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Very interesting shot. The shadow is strange, probably because of the refraction in the water.

  12. Very interesting.Amazing what can be seen when we look at things in a different way.

  13. Great shot. I don't see the water strider but I see the shadows. :-)
