Friday, October 24, 2008

White-throated Sparrows

I always think this is a handsome little bird, a White-throated Sparrow. The sparrow count has shifted in Bird Alley and rather than there being a dominance of Chipping Sparrows the numbers have changed and we now have more White-throated Sparrows feeding here each day. Still making a daily appearance are a few Song Sparrows and some day soon Tree Sparrows will arrive from their northern breeding grounds and a few will remain, taking up residence around our feeder areas for the winter.


  1. I love the shot in the tree against the fall leaves. It looks like he is just waiting for you to take his photograph :-) I think this sparrow and the White-Crowned are two of the prettiest. Mine don't always seem to have such a bright throat, but I seldom get a shot this nice and close to see it. I wish my sparrows would return before October ends for the count!

  2. Nice shots.Take good care of these birds,I'm looking forward to seeing them again in spring.

  3. Anonymous10:45 AM

    One of my favorite sparrows, not only for their bright headgear, but of course, that wonderful Sam Peabody song! Here is southern-most Ontario, we're right on the 'edge' between winter and summer range, but so far in three years of living here, I haven't seen any in winter. I listen for them every spring.

  4. While terribly short in time, I had to make a stop!
    Loved the shots with Birds and Berries! And these sparrows are gorgeous - the pattern on the head is pretty cool!
    Cheers, Klaus

  5. Very good blog, with marvellously posts and beautiful photographs! Congratulations!

  6. I do love the first photo. The White-throat could not look more handsome! I saw my first Tree Sparrow this week. Winter is coming for sure.

  7. I like the tree photo. Such a cool pose. Mine haven't shown up yet, and probably won't till snow falls, and that could be as early as Monday, Tuesday, and/or Wednesday next week. UGH Such a pretty little bird.

  8. I've only see a white-throated a couple of time and I just saw a better get going south as we have had some wet snow already

  9. That's the prettiest sparrow I've ever seen! Our sparrows in Illinois are pretty drab but I don't believe we have any here in Hawaii.... at least I haven't seen any....yet.

  10. They certainly are handsome little birds and first class photos of them.

  11. What a very beautiful bird.

  12. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Oh wow! I've never seen a sparrow like this before. Very nice!


  13. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Wow! I love the little bit of yellow over its eyes. These are great! :-)
