Monday, October 06, 2008

Wild Apple Tree for Ruby Tuesday

Wild apple trees fringing the the edge of the woods
message enticement with their rosy ripeness
drawing me nearer I stop to fill my pockets
to later enjoy their aroma escaping from my oven

To check out other Ruby Tuesday postings, just click HERE, or click on the Ruby on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this site.


  1. Wild apple trees are so beautiful right now! Nice choice for Ruby Tuesday.

  2. Anonymous7:52 PM

    What a pretty setting and the apples are so ruby. :0)

  3. The atmosphere seems to be right from a nature tale. Almost unreal,-and so beautiful.
    From Felisol

  4. How pretty, your apple trees at the edge of the woods.

  5. What a great treat. Very nice photos as well. Happy RT.

  6. Wild red apples would taste just as sweet as store bought the horses in the vicinity stop by often for the sweet treats!

  7. ralph:
    The White-tailed Deer like them!

  8. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Yum! I can't stand if we have an apple tree:) I'll be out waiting for a new grow! haha Mine is posted HERE. Happy RT!~

  9. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Sadly, apple trees don't grow here. How I wish I can just go grab a fruit from its tree.

    My RT entries are posted here and here. Happy Tuesday!

  10. Anonymous11:28 PM

    I love the very idea of wild apple trees -- and the fruit in their "rosy ripeness." Happy Ruby Tuesday.

  11. Ruby red apples and a lovely poem for our enjoyment...thank you!

  12. What extraordinary color! My first thoughts were of the apple from Snow White. The here love apples too. I picked some and put them away from the road for the deer. They politely ate a couple, but left the rest. I apparently don't know how to pick apples!

  13. lovely pics! feel like crunching those apples!

  14. Anonymous6:13 AM

    That's a beautiful tapestry of fall, and a perfect ruby' the aromas must be wonderful!

  15. We also have a "wild" apple tree, but ours has yellow fruit. Not too tasty, but the deer like them. Happy RT.

  16. They look very tasty! They would make some awesome apple butter.

  17. I was going to go with apples too as I just went picking with my niece Sunday...but my Ruby Red just popped out at me and I had to share my joy! :)

  18. I love the perspective of the bottom shot. It is as if we can just keep traveling down the lane picking more apples! :)

  19. Mmmm....great shot, I love fall shots.

  20. Is that your poetry too Ann? You are so talented...

  21. rambling woods:
    Glad that you enjoy the text; and yes it is my poetry and it is fun writing it. Often the picture is the inspiration.

  22. All I can say is Yum! Now I want to go bake an apple pie!

  23. We had apple trees in Illinois but none in Hawaii now. Sigh. I'm seeing real big ones in Japan now though. Thank you so much for keeping me company on my trip. It makes me smile to know you're there.

  24. We had apple trees in Illinois but none in Hawaii now. Sigh. I'm seeing real big ones in Japan now though. Thank you so much for keeping me company on my trip. It makes me smile to know you're there.
