Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A White-tailed Deer Visit

I came into the living room with my camera in my hand after just having downloaded some pictures and murmured, "Oh my!", and he asked, "What's out there?" and I replied, "Deer!".
They usually come only at night, for the first thing I notice in the mornings are empty feeders, but today they must have been really hungry to arrive in the day time. There were four of them.There were three young ones and a doe; a set of twins and another young one just a bit larger. The doe is probably the mother of either the twins or the single one, not of all three, but whatever the arrangement it appears to be a combined family now.
There was a lot of eye contact going on between them and me; me standing in the inside, they on the outside in the cold snow with just a pane of glass and a few meters separating us. They were hungry and didn't seem to be afraid. I let them stay.


  1. You are so very kind to feed so many animals. I am sure they need the help during the winter months. I get excited to see a deer at the zoo and you have them right in your backyard...lucky you:)

  2. Sharon:
    We don't really encourage the deer to come around, nor do we feed them, but it is difficult to keep them from our feeders. They are a nuisance in our garden during other times of the year and they love to nibble on my husband's treasured Hosta plants.

    They are beautiful though and no matter how many times I see them, they are always an exciting sighting. -19 degrees C this morning and a storm is forecast for later this afternoon. I'm sure its difficult for them living in the wild in the winter.

  3. Oh what a sight..poor critters having a difficult winter...
    That is nice you let them nibble at the bird seed.

  4. Beautiful animals. Really wonderful photos.. Thank you for letting them stay.

  5. Beautiful! What a wonderful sight and I'm glad you had your camera in your hand! They look so trusting in those face shots! I'd cheerfully throw food out for the deer if they came that close! I like the little white chin each one has...never noticed that before!

  6. Oh Ann, what an experience! When I would go hiking I would come upon deer for just a moment but they would move away very quickly. These views are magnificent! :) Thank you!

  7. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Actually, I thought they looked pretty healthy, their coats are sleek and thick. Maybe there are a lot of bird feeders in your neck of the woods?!

  8. Those are beautiful. Great shots. The largest of the three may be last years baby. Thanks for sharing. Helen

  9. Wow, these photos are amazing. The deers are all so beautiful and the photo backgrounds add to each one, so much. Well done again Ann. You have such talent.

  10. I can understand why it is exciting each time you see them. So beautiful. And so close! Lovely pictures.

  11. Wow, that must have been a special moment.The pictures are wonderful,the deer look very trusting.

  12. I can't get over how close they are!! Bless you for feeding them!

    I love their faces

  13. Those deer have such sweet faces. They are having trouble around here finding food with all the deep snow, and now they take to eating bird seed. Beautiful pictures Ann.

  14. Oh, what a treat to see this gentle family. I'm glad you let them eat. And lucky for us that you shared these beauties with us. Thank you.

  15. Such sweet faces the deer have. So precious.

  16. I love your pictures! Such trusting eyes..and those looks are to melt one heart...I use to go with my Father to put out salt licks when I was young, we use to staple chicken wire around the base of several trees and fill them with corn at least twice a week. I miss that closeness with nature..and know they can be a pain..but how can one not help them make it thru the winter with some food.

  17. Fantastic shots of the deer, also I really enjoyed looking through your blog, I'm very impressed.

    Regina In Pictures

  18. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Wow! Great shots! It must be something to see these in your yard. The most I get in my yard is an occasional bird and the neighbor's cat. :-)

  19. oh! I loved the pictures of the deer! Thanks so much for sharing!

  20. Great shots, Ann. I showed these to my kids earlier in the week. Now they want us to move to the forest so we can have deer in OUR yard, too. *sigh*
