Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lesser Yellowlegs

For Mellow Yellow Monday ...

This cute little guy called the Lesser Yellowlegs (with of course yellow legs!) was photographed on Grand Manan Island, NB way back in 2003. I took the picture with my first digital camera, a Sony Mavica. I believe the camera had a whopping 0.3 megapixels and it used a full-sized disk to store the photos. How far digital camera technology has come since then!

Posted By: "Guest Blogger" Riel. Thanks to Mellow Yellow Monday. To see other yellow-themed posts from other bloggers around the world, just click the icon below.



  1. A great picture.

  2. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Great shot. I'm smiling as I turn to look at my camera with the SuperDisc in it. I still have it even thought I haven't used it in forever. :-) Digital cameras have come a long way in a short period of time.

  3. Wow what a cool shot!! This is just wonderful. I love the reflection!!

    Great job...thanks for sharing!!

    Happy MYM:-))))

  4. I love reflections, and this is a great one.

    Say hello to your mom.

  5. Reflecting on his reflection!

  6. 0.3 megapixels! And you still get excellent photos!

  7. even though it was shot using a jurassic old digicam, I can still notice her yellow legs :)

  8. I must confess my first quick glance I could not see the yellow...after reading your post I wondered how did I miss those lovely little yellow legs?? This is a very cool shot - well done!

  9. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Thank you guest blogger here, you made me look too with how far digicams have gone. Of course, I did notice the yellow legs, as I was scanning which one is yellow here... cute and adorable critter.

  10. Very cute bird with its cheerful yellow legs. Aren't you glad that we have digital cameras now? When I think back to film, it just boggles my mind.

  11. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Wonderful capture! I shared Snowy Egrets with Yellow Legs a while back on my Blogger sites, but didn't think of them for Mellow Yellow Monday. Very kewl ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  12. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Love it!
    the reflection adds to it as well.

  13. oh what a cute little bird. I know what you mean about how far digital cameras have come. 7 years ago hubby bought me on that had on 2 pixels on it. Went through double A batteries like crazy. Love the one I got for christmas it has 8 megapixels and you plug it in to charge the battery!

  14. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Cute looking lil fella. Reflection is nice and symmetry works here. Have a great week!

    prkl, Finland

  15. Great photo Ann. I had a Sony Mavica too, thought I had finally reached the jet age with that little beauty. Love the reflection in this photo.

  16. Thanks everyone. I loved that camera and I still have it. The zoom on it was great. When I got the computer I have now a few years ago it didn't have a disk drive to download the photos though, so that was that. The camera I have now has 6 megapixels, but I would love to upgrade. My mother has awesome camera equipment, especially for close-up nature photos. I mainly use my camera for family and vacation photos. Riel
