Thursday, May 28, 2009

Skywatch over Passamaquoddy Bay

We had gone to Saint Andrews on Sunday. Isolated showers had been forecast and we saw their build up in the skies above Passamaquoddy Bay before they sent us back home for the remainder of the day.

My appreciative thanks to Sandy, Klaus, Ivar, Wren and Fishing Guy for hosting Sky Watch Friday .

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A boardwalk lined with birches for Green Thursday

Thid is a favourite photo of mine whichI have had in mind to use ever since I became aware of the meme Green Thursday. It was taken along the boardwalk a the Sackville Waterfowl Park a couple of years ago in May just when the Birches there were beginning to leaf out. They were a lovely green colour. Here the colour has been enhanced by photo shop and the dark strokes filter.
To view the visual greens that others have contributed to this new meme Green Thursday just click on the Green Thursday badge in the side bar. My thanks to Pagan Sphinx for hosting this meme that is so full of promise. You might even want to contribute something youself.

Eagle Sighting along the River for Watery Wednesday

When driving along the river on Monday I saw an Eagle sitting on a small island in the river. The white head of an adult was unmistakable. Then I recalled having been told that there was a family of six often seen at this point along the riverI asked my driver to let me out andI walked to an observationdeck nearby andI was able to get a couple of pics as it took off. I shall make a point of going to this location more often to watch for this Eagle family.

AS I watched the Eagle suddenly took off flying above the river.


The theme of Watery Wednesday is water; for a wonderful variety of watery scenes from other bloggers around the world, just click on its name.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Male DownyWoodpecker for Ruby Tuesday.

ONe of the nicest surprises is when you look out and you see one Downy Woodpecker and when you look again there are two. and you notice that the new arrival is a male wearing its traditional red cap.This was my experience last week and I share the experience with you todayon this Ruby Tuesday.
To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Yellow lichens on rock for Mellow Yellow Monday

I came upon this rock yesterday along the breakwater at St. Andrews and thought the yellow lichens that were growing on it were so pretty and vibrant in colour I decided to take a picture of it.
.To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below. MellowYellowBadge

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Gulls for Watery Wednesday

Many of you will recall that my daughter Anne Riel substituted for me as guest blogger while I was off sick during February, March and April. During the past holiday weekend, Victoria Day, Riel and her family vacationed in Bar Harbour, Maine and upon her return she sent me this delightful photo of two Bonaparte Gulls perched upon a rock along the beautiful shoreline there. Thanks for sharing again Riel. I thought this was a great photo for Watery Wednesday. Thanks to Watery Wednesday. The theme of Watery Wednesday is water; for a wonderful variety of watery scenes from other bloggers around the world, just click on its name.

Monday, May 18, 2009

maleAmerican Goldfinch for Mellow Yellow Monday


The beautiful bright yellow male American Goldfinchare an attractive highlight outside my windows these past few days. The busiest place in Bird Alley these days are the niger seed feeders which attract many Goldfinch snd Pne Siskin.
.To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below. MellowYellowBadge

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Most recent sparrow arrival White-crowned.

It is easy to see the origin of the name of this most recent little sparrow species. The white stripes on its crown appears to be especially wide on the one in these photos!Also characteristic of its appearance is its gray feathered body and its pink bill. About 4 of them appeared in Bird Alley on Monday and I have seen them around and about almost every day all week.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Northern White Violets

I have been waiting for this beautiful wildflower to appear on my damp shady side lawn for that is where I found them last evening,Apparently they like those sort of conditions for growing. It seems I might be able to set my seasonal clock by their timely appearance. The photo at the top, which I have enhanced with the filter 'poster edges' was taken on May11,2008, exactly a year ago yesterday! Don't you think its delicate appearance is beautiful? I do. I also found a wild strawberry blossom in bloom this morning! And there are lots of Purple Violets in bloom now. To go for a woodland walk at this time of year is a delightful experience! I love finding wildflowers. I saw a Wood Aneome almost fully opened along a walking trail on the weekend. To take a picture of it is on my 'to do' list.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird for Ruby Tuesday

The ruby is in its name but not in its colouring in this picture above, for this hummingbird at the red feeder is a female. It is the male of this species that displays a beautiful ruby throat. The first sighting of a Hummingbird in Bird Alley this spring was on May 9th, that seems a bit late to me! But our area has experienced lots of rain and cooler temperatures this spring season.

To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme.Above from my photo archives a male Rubythroated hummingbird, photo taken in May 2008

Monday, May 11, 2009

Goldthread for Mellow Yellow Monday

The intriguing fascination for me with this wildflower is its name: Goldthread! As can be seen in the photo above, its roots are golden yellow! I think I had id'ed this flower first by its blossom , then reading that its roots were golden I set out to verify that. These photos were taken on May the 21st, 2008, and this week I will go in search of it again. It was found along an old woods road. I had tried to transplant it last year but it didn't take.
To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below. MellowYellowBadge

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to my Mom (Me Ann my Camera, wonderful producer of this blog). Surprise! In the photos above are my mother, me, and my daughter. I figured my Mom wouldn't mind a photo of herself posted since it was a taken a few years, or actually, make that decades, ;-) ago. And, of course, to keep with the theme of the blog, Happy Mother's Day to Mother Nature too!

Posted with Love by: "Guest Blogger" Riel

Thursday, May 07, 2009

This is one of my favourite Black-capped Chickadeesepia photo of this pair high in the top of an old PINE tree.

Sepia Scenes is a meme hosted by Mary/the Teach and it offers the opportunity to share with others; beautiful scenes in sepia tones.Just click on the badge on the side bar to view what others have posted in sepia for today.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Red Blossoms on my Maple Tree for Ruby Tuesday

Soon our driveway will be carpeted with red as the wind and rain of the next few days (which is forecasted) will spread these red blossoms from our two very old Maples which stand as sentinels beside our driveway.

To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme.

Monday, May 04, 2009


With blossoms about ready to bloom, perhaps not many wonder about the flowers of a pussy Willow. Here are some just about ready to open their blossoms.

To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below. MellowYellowBadge

Saturday, May 02, 2009

A Sparrow test

LOOK AT what showed up todayDo you know what kind of sparrow it is?

A Savannah Sparrow for Camera Critters

A second returning sparrow species visited Bird Alley this week. The very distinctive yellow lores of this Savannah Sparrow immediately alerted me to its presence. Earlier this week a Chipping Sparrow (photo below)
was presentand its red rufus cap made its presence known.Thank yousparrows for bringing the excitement of spring to my yard with your visits! Hopefully my next returning sparrow visitor will be a Fox sparro with its foxy red colouring.

My appreciative thanks to Misty for hosting this site. To see other participant's photo contributions just click HERE or on the Camera Critters logo on the side panel.