Monday, June 08, 2009

Swallowtails on Lilacs for Mellow Yellow Monday

Each year the attraction of Lilacs in bloom bring Swallowtail butterflies to Bird Alley outside my living room, window.I watched them on the weekend as they fed on our Lilac bush .The complementary colours of yellow and purple created a visual delight.

To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below. MellowYellowBadge


  1. Beautiful! I love Butterflies. Helen

  2. So very beautiful! Flying flowers meet those in the garden.

  3. The Swallowtail butterflies are so pretty.Your photos show them well.

  4. I love Swallowtails and they look lovely on the lilacs.

  5. I got some shots of a Swallowtail this afternoon on my Verbena. They are just so beautiful

  6. Great shots (no surprise there then!)
    WE have just a few swallowtails in one area of Britain, but I was pleased to see some in Italy.

  7. I just love the compositions of your captures..all from your window!! Wonderful..taking the time to look at the identical patterns that nature provides is breath taking!! He looks like he is made our of stained glass!!

  8. So much to catch up! Love that last photo of the swallowtail. So pretty on the lilacs.
