Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Watching nature unfold for Ruby Tuesday

Above, a Black-capped Chickadee peers out of its chosen birdhouse over my garden area.By clicking on the photo to enlarge it you can clearly see the Chickadee's eye.
Watching these beautiful large poppies unfold is always an anticipated delight in my garden each year.Yesterday I noticed the beginnings of one beginning to open and soon it will unfold all of its beauty and look just like the second photo included of a mature blossom. I shall be checking on its progress each day.UPdate belowMAY 12th.
To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar. May appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme.


  1. Fantastic Ann, always love your photos.

  2. Thank you Denise, I especially love these poppies each year., Ann

  3. Wonderful little nature notes. Love how you caught the poppy as it begins to "unravel" its bloom.

  4. Poppies are so wonderful!

    And I am enjoying your chickadee. Funny little guy.

  5. Watching nature in all it's beauty is so refreshing.Love the open Poppy.

  6. That shot is a classic, should be right up there with the "cranky bluebird" photo that's so famous!!! Love it!!!

  7. Oh nice new header...very cute!
    the poppy photos are awesome..I can see the hairs...and the lighting on the flower is very nice!

  8. Great photos! The Chickadee photo is really cute!

  9. This makes a great "circle" series...the cute chickadee peeking out of the perfectly round hole, then the unfolding circle of the poppy and finally the beautiful flower. Lovely!
