Friday, November 06, 2009

AMackeral sky for Skywatch Friday

Thesr wavy clouds remind me of marcelled hair, a close to the head wavy hair style from the 20's, but I think they are also called mackeral skies. they are not today's sky though as we are expecting our first winter storm of the season, s nor'easter,wind, lots of precipitation is forecast for the day.
Happy skywatch Friday to all. My appreciative thanks to Sandy, Klaus, Ivar, Wren and Fishing Guyand Louise for hosting Sky Watch Friday


  1. Interesting sky! I like that streak of pink nearby.

  2. Pretty skies.I hope the storm for today is mild.Have a great weekend,whatever the weather.

  3. I love mackrel skies, but I hope your weather isn't all that bad. For a change it's beautiful here today.
    Happy Skywatch Ann.

  4. That really is an interesting sky. I've never heard of a mackeral sky. Do they mean fish, I wonder.

  5. We always called them mackerel skies, they're one of my favorites. Great capture!

  6. Hope your storm isn't bad! I can see why they call it "mackeral" with that texture, and also see the resemblance to marcelled hair :-)

  7. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Beautiful sky photos. Isn't it interesting how the mackeral part is in a band across the sky?

  8. Yup--looks like a front is coming through. When those clouds are a little thicker, they look like macaroni to me. Beautiful photo.

  9. Wonderful sky views ... guess I missed them last weekend ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,
