Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gaspereau on the move; up the North Oromocto River for Watery Wednesday

Usually every May, (this year it is happening in April) our river is a location of much activity as Gaspereau moving up river fight the rapids and falls they encounter to return to their spawning grounds further upstream. Large groups of gulls usually gather here to feast on the jumping , quickly moving fish in the fast moving current.

Waterty  Wednesday is a delightful meme where you can enjoy almost any aspect of water scenes or activity. This meme offers a wide choice of topic. To view contributions of others or to post your own contribution, please click on theWatery Wednesdayicon on the right sidebar on this page and enjoy. A Happy Wednesday wish to all!


  1. Yikes! Looks like the fishing is good for the Gulls.

  2. Great photos! How sad to think that a fish will fight their way to the top of the falls only to be caught by a gull.
    Great photos!
    I featured a gull on mine today. He wasn't eating a fish though.
    Hugs, Cindy S

  3. It's a shame that after that hard fight to get over the dam then they get caught. Great pictures.Helen

  4. amazing portraits of nature in action!

  5. Gorging and gulping
    they go—seagulls a-feasting
    on fresh gaspereaux!

    Choose some water:

  6. Reminds me of the salmon rushing upriver to spawn here. Beautiful watery shots, Ann.

  7. So much action there! I know the gulls have to eat, but the poor fish are trying so hard !!!

  8. oh wow! fabulous shots! i've never seen gulls in action before.:p

  9. How very frustrating to do all that work just to become lunch for a Gull! Great shots of both birds and fish...and birds eating fish :-)

  10. lovely photos, I just wish they were bigger in size.

  11. I hope none have been offended by the "nature" of these photos which depict the harshness of the realities of gulls and gaspereau. Such is life in the 'wild' Gaspereau are also the prey of Osprey that fish in the same river. I questioned myself if the photos were too graphic as I do not post photos of a hawk and its captured prey. I also have sympanthy for the gaspereau. Thank you all for your comments.

  12. Anonymous7:30 AM

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