Thursday, April 29, 2010

Yesterday's nature finds.

I try to take a drive every morning checking out a few favourite locations which include the river, a couple of ponds . an overview of a couple of meadows and an osprey nest.  Then I  return home to download what pictures I was able to take, Yesterday morning I found this one lone Canada Goose in the exact same location where I had found one last weekend.Its as if it was anchored there.  Its reflection was so lovely!  Previous to the Canada sighting I had seen a couple of Wood Ducks, but the photos I had taken were too distant to be interesting.  They were good only for identification.  Checking out another pond I saw  a most beautiful Red-tailed hawk fly off as I pulled my car onto the road shoulder bordering the pond. The red tail that it displayed in flight was astonishing in its size and colour.  It hurts to miss such  a good photo, for I often see Red-tailed Hawks but they don't always show such a beautiful  red tail.  I followed its flight until it landed in a tree and I was able to get a bit of a photo where I could still see the red of its tail. I have decided that I am going to drive to this pond and take a book with me so I can just sit and watch the pond area for a longer period of time and observe; and maybe photograph what birds, (hawks and ducks, heron and kingfishers) that I have seen there before visit during the day.  Its seems like it might be a worthwhile venture to me. Have a great day everyone! Ann


  1. Hi Ann,

    Ann now from New Zealand. I was in Canada in 75-77 and I remember seeing the Canadian geese.

    The geese here are white.



  2. Hi Ann, Welcome. We hwve a species of white geese here in Canada, Appropiately named;Snow geese.

  3. Sounds like a good plan.Sometimes the best pictures come when we wait for them.

  4. Could your lone goose be on a nest or guarding a loved one nearby? I hope it is well and just alone. Nice hawk shot.
