Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Flowering Trees for Outdoor Wednesday

Its that time of year again when our backyard trees just ooze beauty, fragrance and pollen!  The pollen gives me allergy problems, but the beauty  is so spirit uplifting. Above is my most favourite.  We just bought this tree last year and have been awaiting its remembered beauty all winter long..  Its an ornamental flowering Japanese Cherry and is very beautiful in its pink softness.
Another ornamental tree is our flowering crabapple.  We have three of these, one of which is a weeping variety.  They are just coming into blossom now and their beauty is unparalleled in our backyard..

Annother prennenial favourite is the Llac.  Ours are about in mid-bloom right now.Soon they will be decorated with feeding Swallowtail butterflies which it attracts in numbers each year.
 To more cherry species are sharing their blossoms in our back yard.  An old favourite of mine which we have had for several yaers now is this Purple Sand Cherry.
And this last cherry though not least in its beauty will bear luscious beautiful looking fruit, tho not so great tasting as it is a sour Cherry and the birds devour them as soon as they ripen.

Bordering our property are a line of Apple trees belonging to our neighbour.  Each year it is a treat to watch Cedar Waxwings eating the blossom petals.  Although the blossoms are blooming now, I haven't seen any waxwings feasting there yet this year.
Outdoor Wednesday is a delightful meme that invites you to share the outdoors with others. The theme encompasses the outdoors, a topic within the theme of your choosing. to learn more of this meme or to share your view of the outdoors please click on the 'outdoor Wednesday' logo on the right of this page. Happy Wednesday outoor gathering to all


  1. Your bloom pictures are beautiful! Thanks for sharing ~ have a great day! ~Marcy

  2. Every one of those pictures are beautiful. All of those things that bloom have already done their thing here. Thanks for sharing. Helen

  3. Helen, Our growing season is just a bit later up here in eastern Canada. Ann

  4. This is a beautiful collection of flowering trees.

  5. Beautiful blossoms and lovely photos!

  6. My goodness you have lots of beauty in your yard! Sure to attract tons of Butterflies.

  7. Beautiful pictures. I see the arboretum aka your yard is doing well! Ha! Our flowering crabapple isn't out yet. Actually none of our 4 are. R

  8. Lovely blossoms Ann, one walk in your garden would make anyone's heart sing.

  9. Wow, what a lovely sight. While I miss the apple blossoms, lilacs and cherry trees, I adore palo verde in bloom!

  10. Fabulous photos of all the blooms! Very pretty.
