Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Wow! Is his face red, A Ring-necked Pheasant for Ruby Tuesday!

While driving along the High Marsh Road one day last week while crossing the Tantramar Marshes near Sackville, Nb. I was hoping to see a Ring-necked Pheasant which I often see there.  Finally deciding it was not my day to see a Pheasant.  I finally saw one strutting across a plowed field towards me.  I stopped and got out of my car and the Pheasant stopped also and left speeding across the field in the opposite direction.  The pictures are not good but do allow for you seeing the red face of the male.This is a beautiful bird and the red face is usually so outstanding.  I was semi disappointed with my sighting, I saw one! but did not get a good photo.  Oh well, perhaps I will have better luck next time.
just before
I spied a dark shape in the grass which showed some
red.  A Pheasant? maybe?YES!I determined the best way I knew for sure was to get out of my car.    and.  sure enough.It was a pheasant I could see as  It took of across the road away from me.My apologies for the not so clear pheasant photos. I have an affection for Pheasants as it is an ancestral name.  My great, great greatgrandfather Stephen Pheasant was a singer at Peterborough Cathederal in England and he and his wife are buried in the grounds there,  Their orphaned children made their way to Canada together and settled, making their homes in this area. So that is my Pheasant story today.

Happy Ruby Tuesday to all. Ruby Tuesday is a meme hosted by Mary, the Teach, that celebrates red. To see more contributions to this meme or to share your own red for
Ruby Tuesday please click on the HIGHLIGHTEDRuby Tuesdaywords on this page .


  1. He is a beautiful bird. I have never seen a real one but the pictures show him up good. Love that covered bridge. Helen

  2. Sometimes just "seeing" is the best we can do, but I think these photos still show us the pheasant very nicely! I've never seen one before and would love to see one. They are so colorful. What an interesting thing to know about your name connection :-) Love the covered bridge....I saw two on my recent trip.

  3. I like the shot of the proud little guy strutting along.

    The family name is a fun thing, isn't it?

  4. I've only seen pheasants from a distance so didn't know that they had red on their faces. Nice sightings and quick camera work.

  5. such a beautiful bird. Thanx for posting

  6. Love that last pic! Remember all the pheasants we saw on Grand Manan when we were there?

  7. Nice story and nice to use the bird to keep connected to family physically gone but still with you.
