Monday, May 17, 2010

The yellow bill of a Sora for Mellow Yellow Monday

What excitement and joy I felt when I first saw this Sora a couple of years ago at the Waterfowl Park in Sackville, NB. Its the delight of discovery, knowing you are looking at something you've never seen before! You can learn more about this small marsh bird by clicking here:

Happy Monday to all. To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below
mellow yellow


  1. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I love your Sora pictures. I found my first one about three weeks ago at a local marsh near my home. They are such beautiful, secretive little birds.
    always enjoy your blog posts.

  2. seeking sustenance,
    sora hunting in the marsh,
    supper soon to come

    Yellow lupines—poisonous!

  3. You keep showing me things I've never seen before. Thank you for that.

  4. I see the yellow beak, that is cute. Happy Monday!

    MYM-Centerpiece light

  5. Very pretty!

    My mellow yellow post.

    I also would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the kick off of the Nostalgia meme that I will be hosting starting this Thursday. Hope you can join the fun!

  6. Nice shots.

  7. i see the yellow there. nice photos.

  8. Bonjour,

    I've never seen this duck! Its beautiful and unusual. Thanks for sharing. I'm a new follower!


  9. What an interesting looks very sharp... and I like the turned up tail :-) Another bird that I've never seen before.

  10. Great shots of the sora. Its a bird I seen or noticed before. Very cute. Thanks for sharing!

  11. What an interesting bird!!! His beak is a unique shape. Never seen one like it around my neck of the woods, so thanks for sharing!

    Hood Photo Blog

  12. I have never seen this bird before nor even knew the name! The beak almost seems out of proportion with the body! Very interesting post!

  13. Cool sighting of the Sora! I would love to see this bird. Wonderful photos!

  14. Beautiful bird. It is but one of the species I worry about surviving the gulf oil spill!

  15. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Excellent page! I'm so glad I found it, and will continue to visit, as you were the only page I could find to identify this cute never-seen-in-Timmins-Ontario-shorebird! My first Sora sighting! Awesome, and thank you!
