Monday, April 18, 2011

Dandelions in bloom for mellow yellow Monday

This photo is of my second find of dandelions in bloom last week. On both the 15th. and 16thth. I found Dandelion blooms, both were nestled(wedged) snugly against the cement foundation of a building. Their location choice suggests a strong wilful determination to thrive. This flower has a striking beauty which is appreciated after a long, cold winter. However it presence after admid lawns and flower beds becomes a nuisance as spring and summer progress. Our lawns used to be full of thembut my husband digs them by their roots and discards them so we have few dandelions to cope with, but we wish others would do the same as their fly away seeds often plant themselves in our yard and thepulling up of dandelion plants is a yearly chore of determination of ours to be rid of them each year. But regardless of their nuisance factor, I am always excited to see the first dandwelion blooms showing ther beautiful yellow heads each year. got photos with yellow? Why not post them to Mellow Yellow Monday? Please scroll down the right hand bar on this page to find the mellow yellow icon and click on it to also find others who have shared their own mellow yellow beauty on this meme.


  1. I finally found something good about Walmart! We drove by yesterday and the parking lot islands were covered in dandelions almost solid yellow, they were beautiful.(Some might argue that that isn't so "good.")

  2. we got plenty of those wild flowers in our front yard too, my little girl loves picking them!

    check out mine too, it's cute!
    Cute Yellow Plane

  3. Even Dandelions are beautiful in early spring.

  4. I just took a couple of shots today at the park lol.

    Would be happy to have you visit the Mellow yellow at my page, thanks!

  5. Most people think dandelions are weeds, but I've seen whole fields of them in bloom in northern Vermont--and they are spectacular!


    Splash of yellow,
    Dash of gold,
    Make me mellow,
    Never old;
    Keep my humor
    In fine trim,
    Always laughing,
    Never grim.

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Little Yellow Chicken Shack
