Monday, April 18, 2011

A Wood Duck pair, my treasure sighting of the day!

Other than male Hooded Mergansers, Wood Ducks are my most favourite ducks to photograph. I found this pair this morning in a roadside pool alongside the Branch Road. I often find them here each spring but this year they have been hard to find, like nonexistent!. This morning was my first sighting of them and they were moving away fast as I stopped my car on the road. With cropping I was able to create this photo of the pair. The unmistakable white eye of the female told me these two were a pair.And Don't you love the 'blue' blue of the rippling watery waves caused by their movement through the water and the colourful male is such a handsome speciman. This photo made my day. Also seen this morning, but no photo of it was a Belted Kingfisher! Also seen this morning were some Manky Mallards, and Black Ducks, anOsprey on top of its nest and some Canada Geese, and as can be seen in the header, a Gray Jay on the tip top of a tree! I wonder what I'll find this afternoon?


  1. Sounds like a great start to your week.I too love the Wood Ducks.

  2. Male Wood Ducks are so pretty. They are my absolute favorite. One year, when I was still working, there was a lone Wood Duck living on the lake outside my building. There were lots of Mallards but just the one Wood Duck and there were no lady ducks for him. He followed the lady mallards but the males were not very tolerant of him and he was much smaller. He must have been a bit lost because except for that one year, I never saw another one.
