Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Black and White Warbler for Worldbird Wednesday

Its as if this little warbler is saying,"Hello there!" and my reply would be. "How nice to see you again, Its been a long time" I have seen black and white warblers in our yard before but not often. Its such a visually lovely little bird with its crisp black and white stripes. Its naming is obvious isn't it? although I wonder if I showed it to my grandchildren if they might call it a zebra bird. Its so delightful!

I checked my blog archives and found a previous posting of a black and white warbler sighting on July 10th, 2008. The timing of their appearance coincides. There are a couple of identifying characteristic tips in this post found at:

See the white stripe down the center of its head in the photo above?!

Got pictures of birds you would like to share? Why not post them on Worldbird Wednesday? find out how, please scroll down the right hand side of this page until you come to the worldbird logo, click on it and follow the directions from there


  1. Super photos of a beauty!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  2. I love how the Black and White Warbler climbs around a tree just like a Nuthatch. Fabulous captures!

    My World Bird Wednesday post: Osprey Chicks

  3. You have fantastic pictures of this bird.

  4. Splendid captures of a bird I have yet to see!

  5. It id lovely. It looks like the zebra of the bird world.

  6. Wow what a striking little bird.
    Lovely images.

  7. Great photos of a beautiful bird.

  8. Add me to the list of those admiring your pictures--They really are great shots with such beautiful detail!

  9. What d distinctive-looking little bird! Your photos are wonderfully up close and detailed!

  10. I love the second photo! What a beautiful bird. I wish that I saw more warblers.

  11. Love that black and white! I have not seen one yet this year!
