Thursday, July 14, 2011

A fascinating winged creature-A Clear-winged Hummingbird Moth

The Clear winged humming bird moth has long fascinated me. I await its arrival every spring with eagerness. I first saw this species this spring when our lilacs were in blossom. Now their favourite place where they seem to thrive is on the blossoms of the Common Milkweed. While at my favourite milkweed patch a few days ago, the blossoms were a buzz with them. I could count them in the tens! (like you can estimate by the hundreds, by the thousands, Can I say by the tens?) There were decades of them!!!! You know what I mean?

You might want to click on the photo above to better appreciate this little moth's beauty! It is an amazing little creature!

The milkweed blossoms are very popular with beautiful winged creatures such as this white admiral butterfly shown above.
I also thrive around a milkweed patch and me and my camera have a delightful time. I have two locations where I visit almost daily. Bye for now, the excitement of the patch is calling me. Later, hopefully with something visually exciting to share!


  1. That is a beautiful creature.

  2. The first time i saw a hummingbird moth, I was astonished. They were so big...and there were so many of them. This was in Cornwall ON and yes, they were on a lilac.

  3. Great photos! I love those moths. I was trying to get photos of one today,but not too successfully.
