Thursday, July 07, 2011

Cruising Roadsides for butterflies

Daisy's can be yummy too! Just ask this Viceroy butterfly above about it!

Yesterday was my first sighting of fritillaries this summer. I think this one above is a silver-bordered fritillary.The Peurple Vetch along the roadside was proving to be a real favourite! Just ask this swallowtail above if it was yummy?And of course the big seasonal treat at this time of year is milkweed blossoms, Just ask this little skipper attached to it!The Brown-eyed Susans weren't neglected either!


  1. These are so pretty. I wish I could have joined you on this adventure.

  2. Ruth, I love the daily hunt.It is very relaxing and a rewarding activity and exciting when I find butterflies. Hopefully a Monarch soon!.Ann

  3. Lovely shots of the butterflies.

  4. A nice variety! Butterflies are so cheerful in the summertime.
