Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Outside my window this morning

Looking out my window this morning I saw two beautiful little fawns on our side lawn.. They ran across the highway, This one shown above was chased up the road by a car and returned and he now appears a bit subdued and safe!. Below it is moving across our side lawn in a very colourful scene. The bright morning sun highlights the yellows and reds of our garden flowers there.
Have a happy Wednesday everyone!


  1. The fawns have been having their "coming out" around here two. so cute.

  2. AWWW! How special and how cute!

  3. Beautiful capture!! I love living out in the 'boonies' where I get to see such sights but they are hard to capture and you did an excellant job with your first photo.
    Johnina :^A

  4. What a lovely early morning sighting, Linda

  5. It is beautiful. Glad the car didn't hit it. Love those colorful flowers. Helen
