Thursday, November 03, 2011

Nature' s creativity for Thursday's Challenge

This is an old, favourite photo of mine. This stunning creative work of nature of the intricately woven Spider web combined with the morning dew condensed upon the web with the background of coloured leaves was indeed inspiring.

I caught a glimpse
of nature's jewels
beaded on a web so fine
these translucent crystals
these watery orbs
their transitory beauty was mine!

Thursday Challenge is a meme which offers a different theme each week. This week's theme is wooden. To join in on the fun you can find this meme at:


  1. W.O.W. That is absolutely STUNNING!!

  2. Anonymous1:27 PM

    looks like a crystal chandelier:) :) awesome! :)

  3. I LOVE this photo!

  4. Wonderful picture!

  5. That is an amazing picture and a perfect verse! I've tried to get pictures of spider webs, but my camera just isn't the right one!!

  6. Amazing picture.
