Wednesday, November 02, 2011

P is for Pileated Woodpecker for ABC Wednesday round 9

This latge, noisy bird is always exciting to see!
And one day I saw not only one, not only two but three all together on the trunk of a tree! What an exciting sighting this was!
As fascinating as this large woodpecker is, almost equally as delightful is the finding of a tree which bears evidence of Pileateds having been feeding on.. . The oblong holes in the tree trunk shown above were made by PIleated Woodpeckers having been feeding there.
ABCWednesday is hosted by Mrs. Nesbitt. Each week a different letter is featured. It goes in alphabetical order and next week is the letter 'o'.. If you would like to contribute to ABC Wednesday , you may do so by locating the meme here:


  1. They are fantastic birds, really nice photos in flight and of 3 together, wonderful!!!

  2. very interesting tree design they leave!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. To see three at once,now that is special.

  4. Lovely shots - and great to see three of them together.

  5. Love the tree with all those holes. Super sighting!

  6. I'm always thrilled if I see even one! Seeing three is terrific! Wow! They do make the largest holes in trees.

  7. Awesome captures of the Pileated woodpeckers. The holes in the trees are neat, I have seen them around my woods too.

  8. Triple the pileated pleasure! The trees with multiple holes look like giant flutes!

  9. great post - they are really beautiful - love the tree
