Tuesday, February 28, 2012

G is for gusty for ABC Wednesday round 10

Its been a really snowy, blowy gusty day as is illustrated by the blowing snow off the rooftop of this old barn. We had a light soft snow last night and it is blowing around somewhat today.

My appreciation and thanks to Mrs. Nesbitt's Place for hosting ABC Wednesday Round 10. To view more ABC Wednesday posts via Mr. Linky please click :http://abcwednesday-mrsnesbitt.blogspot.com/
Have a great day everyone.


  1. Amazing - we had GLORIOUS sunshine today! Yet again ABC Wednesday brings a diverse contrasting view of our worlds don't you think?
    Denise ABC Team

  2. Looking very chilly where you are!

  3. Beautiful photo! I love the winter, it's been way too mild for my taste, no snow, no school-closing storms...too mild and the poor flowers and buds don't know what's going on in my neck of the woods.

  4. Yes, TOO warm here. Less than 15 inches for the whole winter in Albany, NY.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  5. I can feel the chill looking at your photo.
    Blustery days make for interesting pictures like yours.

  6. I love your photo. We haven't had much winter weather here in NC - I love seeing your snow.

  7. Brrrr, so cold!

    Gold and Green
    Rose, ABC Wednesday Team.

  8. It looks chilly indeed, our almond tree is blooming...

    G is for...

  9. You appear to be having a much worse winter than we are experiencing in Ontario! I hope it warms up for you soon.

  10. Blech! Isn't blowing snow the worst?
    Jane x

  11. Great shot....you caught that blowing snow! Looks like an old barn

  12. Love the shot! We had snow coming down in huge flakes on Sunday but they never settled and it stopped after about a half hour. But it has been awfully cold these past few days.

    abcw team

  13. Gusty is a good strong word. I can almost feel it!

  14. That photo gives me the shivers. Brrr!

  15. A lovely artistic and cold looking snow shot! Love the old barn!
