Tuesday, February 28, 2012

White-tailed deer for Outdoors Wednesday

Outdoor Wednesdayhttp://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com/ is a delightful meme that invites you to share the outdoors with others. The theme encompasses the outdoors, a topic within the theme of your choosing. to learn more of this meme or to share your view of the outdoors please click on the 'outdoor Wednesday' logo on the right of this page. Happy Wednesday outood gathering to all


  1. Great shots of the deer! I'm never fast enough to get pictures like that of them, they have to stand still for me! :-)

  2. lovely shots of the deer

  3. Ann, I love your deer action shots! That's exactly the view of whitetail deer that I like to see in my garden. Deer leaving and the faster the better!

  4. What wonderful photos to show the movement of the deer!

  5. Such calligraphic leaping around and you GOT it.
    Makes me want to be that deer just for the jumping in snow.

  6. Wonderful shots of the White Tailed deer. Love the action shots. I also love your header, just beautiful. Have a great day!

  7. Fantastic action photos Ann. A particular favorite of mine is the fourth one down, but they are all great.

  8. Great action shots of the white-tailed deer!
