Monday, June 10, 2013

Poppies for Mosaic Monday

I had noticed earlier last week that I would soon have poppies in bloom; however I was surprised when I returned home on our  rainy Saturday to see several in bloom.The surprise was that it wasn't the ones in bloom that I had expected to bloom first, rather it was others that I hadn't noticed these to be so near blooming.  I do hope we get some sunny days this week in which to enjoy the magnificent  blooms and colour for these blossoms are always such a highlight to our summer garden.  May their beautiful blooms continue, no matter the weather that prevails.

I am linking with Mary  at her dear little red house at : for  her Mosaic Monday meme.


  1. Lovely shade of orange, poppies are lovely and so fleeting in the garden.

  2. Pretty poppies, your images are lovely! Have a great week ahead!

  3. I just love poppies. Beautiful and delicate mosaic:)

  4. Love the poppies. We were saying just yesterday that we should plan t some when new drove by a place with some just like your pictures.

    Te Furry Gnome
