Sunday, March 30, 2014

A spring sighting: A Grackle!

As I post this I am watching the snow fall and pile up around my yard, However I refuse to post photos of this snowfall, you have had your chance winter!! I find no beauty in you today!  Be gone!

However this post is one of spring optimism!  Yesterday while, checking out the condition of the river ice, We, my husband I, both agreed that by next weekend the river should be open as there was a large quantity of water lying on the river ice surface and soon open water will be an open invitation for Goldeneye and HoodedMergansers, both diving, fishing, duck species.

The supreme excitement of the day yesterday was the finding a Common Grackle under a Pine Tree in Central Blissville.  the bird had found a bit of exposed grassy earth, there under the tree! The picture is not too sharp but believe me it was a handsome glossy black Grackle.  ( see the bird's long tail!)What a wonderful welcome sighting!  and I think I saw a Robin in the same area  there too yesterday!!  Oh happy Day.. Forget today's snowstorm as I know what awaits me when the snow is gone!! Next Sunday's posting will be of ducks! I have my fingers crossed.


  1. Congrats on your sighting! It is always nice to see a new bird returning for the season.. Have a happy Sunday!

  2. I had two in my yard this morning, and there is one at my suet feeder right now! I also had a blackbird, with the red and yellow markings on the wings! So excited!
