Saturday, March 29, 2014

Female Purple Finch for Saturday Critters

Our birds are having a difficult time at our feeders recently as we have had so much snow it is difficult to get to them to refill.  So the other day I hung out a seed bell and it attracted
a female Purple Finch. This is the first female Purple Finch I have seen in a long time.  I had had recent sightings of a handsome male a few days in the last week or so.

What I like about this second picture are the two lower dark body spots shown which are often covered by the bird's
wings .  I took this photo from inside the house and I guess I got just the right angle to see these spots with my camera lens.  It is surprising sometimes what is revealed what had not been noticed or seen before by me. These two dark spots are a new identification clue to me.  I haven't seen this finch since out last big storm on Wednesday of this week.  The use of the word "last"  referring to a snowstorm is in error as viewing the weather station site this morning I see we are  being given another snowfall warning for tomorrow... about 20 centimeters or so!!  So much for the last snowstorm!! Will this winter ever end? Will I ever get to see the returning beloved ducks which I so love to find?!!  I do hope so!!!!  I am linking today with Eileen's Saturday Critters at


  1. Good capture and seeing the spots on the underside. New to me. I've had a pair of them here all week at the feeders. I'm hoping it's a sign that some of the spring birds are making their way back. Tomorrow's storm sounds really nasty. I see one for later next week too but at least we have a nice day today and milder temperatures next week. Let the melt begin!

  2. The Purple Finches are great yardbirds. I have not seen one in a long time.. Looks like the seed bell was a great feeder..Love the shots. Thank you for sharing your post on Saturday's critters. Have a happy day!

  3. i've never seen purple finches here in ne tx, but we get the house finches which i am grateful to see. :)

  4. Great photos! I'm seeing the little Finches around our house more and more, and I'm waiting the return of my most favorite summer bird, the Eastern Phoebe.

  5. Great when you get something different on your feeders. Hope the snow soons goes away for you.
