Saturday, April 27, 2019

chickadee in Window Feeder for Saturday Critters

A delightful way to view birds from my comfy chair inside my house is by using a transparent window feeder.  Th feeder attaches to the outside of the window by a large suction cup.  Only Chickadees have fed there so far this spring but it is an exciting moment when I hear one enter the feeder.  If I do not frighten it away by my movements of taking pictures it will stay there and feed a bit!
I am linking today to Eileen's Saturday Critters blog which can be found at viewingnaturewith
Have a wonderful weekend everyone
I shall be inside today on this rainy Saturday watching my window feeder.  Who knows who or what might show up!?


  1. Hello, that is a cute feeder. Love the Chickadee too! Adorable photos.

    Thanks for sharing linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  2. I have a window feeder and its great. you can get so close to the birds and don't even have to move. Love the Chickadee

  3. Hello. Interesting feeder and beautiful bird.
