Saturday, May 04, 2019

A RuiffedGrouse for Saturday Critters

I saw this Ruffed Grouse sauntering slowly across a country road in a treed area.  I slowed my car to very surely keep close to it taking pictures all the while. It never got scared away at any of the time. 

Locally this bird is known as a Birch Partridge, apparently this is a misnomer.
" Dec 22, 2008 …" The ruffed grouse is frequently referred to as the "partridge" or as a "birch partridge." This is technically wrong, as partridges are unrelated …"

I am linking today to Eileen's


  1. Hello,

    Awesome sighting and photos of the Ruffed Grouse! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend.

  2. Oh, that's a new bird to me. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. The feathers are just beautiful! What a great sighting! Nice to get good photos when you see something this special!

  4. When we first moved to the Appalachians in 1984, we heard and saw many Ruffed Grouse. Over the years, their numbers plummeted, possibly replaced by all the wild turkeys. Thank you for posting your great photo of a bird I sorely miss.
